Southgate 1914 Graduates
Cincinnati Enquirer, 8 June 1914, page 10
Colored School Announcement
The Southgate Street Colored High School will hold its annual
commencement exercises Friday evening at the Park Avenue School Auditorium.
The graduates are:
Zelma Fox
Alice Gee
Landonius Oliver
Lillian Wise
Sylvester Overstreet
Prof. F M Wood, principal of the colored high school at Paris Ky. will deliver the oration to the graduates. The program follows:
Salutatory "Home and Its Queen" Alice Gee-Essay
"Success and Failure" Lillian Wise-oration
"The Leadership of Educated Men" Sylvester Overstreet-essay
"Anti-suffrage for Women" Zelma Fox-valedictory
"Leaving the Harbor" Landonius Oliver
Presentation of class by W S Blanton, principal
Conferring of diplomas, Superintendent J A Sharon
The baccalaureate services were held last night at the Corinthian Baptist Church. Rev F C Locust, of Covington, delivered the sermon. The Eighth Grade exercises will be held Tuesday night at the Corinthian Baptist Church. Rev W J Ballon will deliver the address to the class.