Socialist Party
Campbell County, Kentucky
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 29 January 1903, page 5
The members of the Socialist Party of Bellevue will hold a love feast Thursday evening at 91 Fairfield Avenue.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 31 January 1903, page 5
McGRADY FOR GOVERNOR-The Socialists of the Sixth District are making big preparations for the coming election. It is said that Father Thomas McGrady of Bellevue, will be their candidate for Governor. It is not known whether or not Father McGrady will accept the nomination. Gus Wagenlander, a leader of the Socialist Party of Bellevue, stated Friday that eight Father McGrady or John Dobbs of Louisville would be the candidate for Governor.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 February 1903, page 2
WEEKLY PAPER-The Socialist Party Thursday night decided to issue a weekly paper to aid the party in the spring campaign. On Sunday afternoon they will meet at GAR Hall on West Sixth Street. The Socialists have organized clubs in 11 wards and Friday night they will organize clubs in the Fourth, Sixth and Twenty-fourth Wards.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 February 1903, page 2
DEMOCRATS WILL LOSE-The Socialists are greatly elated on account of the probability of the Democrats abandoning the second place on the Australian ballot. Dr. A J Swing, the Socialist candidate for mayor spoke at GAR Hall Sunday afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 March 1903, page 3
The state convention of the Socialist Pary will be held at Liberty Hall, on Main Street, Covington, on the morning of March 22, when a full state ticket will be nominated.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 May 1903, page 5
BIG MEETING-The Socialists in Newport will have a big meeting Wednesday evening, May 27, at Knights of St George Hall, when Charles Dobbs of Louisville, will be there.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 3 June 1903, page 5
TICKET TO BE NAMED-The Socialist Party of Campbell County will hold its county convention on Thursday night at 8 pm at its hall, corner of Fifth and Monmouth Streets, Newport. It is the intention to make a hard fight in the coming election to get out a large vote. There will be no candidate for Circuit Judge on the Socialist ticket, as there is not a man n the party that is qualified to take the office under the constitution of Kentucky. One of these requirements is that he must be a practicing attorney for eight years.
Rev Thomas McGrady of Bellevue, will be chairman, it is said, and the nominations to be made will be Circuit Clerk, State Senator and two representatives, on from the Eighty-fourth and one from the Eighty-third Legislative District.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 5 June 1903, page 5
TICKET-The Socialists of Campbell County met Thursday night and nominated a ticket amid much enthusiasm. Adam Nagel acted as Chairman and Frank Streine as Secretary. The following ticket was placed in the field:
For Circuit Court Judge-M A Brinkman of Bellevue
Circuit Court Clerk-Leonard Bauer of Newport
For Commonwealth Attorney-F H
Streine of Newport
For State Senator-John R Lyon of Dayton
For Rep
Eighty-fourth District-R Schriver of Ft Thomas
For Rep Eighty-fourth
District-F H Bauer of Newport
Adam Nagel was selected as County Organizer and speeches were made by Rev Father McGrady, Thomas Hagerty, Adam Nagel and others.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 August 1903, page 5
HARD TIME-The Socialist Party in Newport will have trouble in fixing up a complete ticket for the fall election. The party is scarce of attorneys and cannot put up a candidate for Judge Commonwealths Attorney, Circuit Court Clerk or City Engineer unless the candidates present certification.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 October 1903, page 5
BALLOT-County Clerk Joe Betz received the official ballot for the state ticket in Newport Tuesday morning from the Secretary of State at Frankfort. It will have five complete State tickets, beginning with the Democrats in the first column, Republicans second, Prohibitionists third, Socialists fourth and Socialist Labor Party last.