Sixth Infantry Officers and Soldiers

New Post, Near Newport Ky.


Transcribed from Family History Library Film #1664346

Commanded by Melville A Cochran, 6th Infantry beginning in the month of August


December 119


Melville A Cochran, Colonel, Commanding Regiment and Post since Aug 2, 1890; joined post on that date assuming command in orders No 2 Post, near Newport Ky.
Charles Byrne, 1st Lt. Adj. Treasurer, joined Post for duty Aug 29; in charge Post school Oct 1
Jacob F Munan, Captain, joined Post Aug 15
Crowell, W H H, Captain, joined Post Aug 20; at Columbus Barracks O. Dec 4
Thomas G Townsend, 1st Lt. joined company Aug 29; transferred let Post Oct 26
Bernard A Bryne, 1st Lt. joined Post Aug 20


Bandholtz, Harry H, 2nd Lt. Sep 20 on Graduating Leave; at Ft Ontario NY since Oct 10
Craft, D L, 1s Lt. in Washington DC under treatment at Government Hospital for the Insane; died at Washington DC Nov 12
Demter, C E, 2nd Lt. leave for one month left Post Nov 25
Detchmendy, G A, 2nd Lt. at Ft Leavenworth Kansas for Infantry and Cavalry School
Deuter, C E, 2nd Lt. joined Post Sep 5; Acting Signal Officer Oct 26; on leave Dec 18
Groesbeck, Stephen W, Captain, on duty at St Paul Minn.
Hall, R H, Lt. Colonel, Inspector General Dept. Arizona
Lyster, W J, Major, commanding Ft Sheridan Ill.
Munson, J T, Captain
Penny, Charles G, Captain, at Ft Porter NY Aug 29
Shattuck, Amos B, 2nd Lt. arrived Post Dec 25
Taggart, E F, 2d Lt. at Ft Sheridan, Ill. Joined post Sep 6
Thompson, R E, 1st Lt. at Washington in office of Chief Signal Officer
Torrey, Zevah W, 1st Lt. at Ft Leavenworth Kansas transferring property
Turner, R B, 1st Lt. arrived at Post Oct 26
Waleries, Mathias, Hospital Steward, arrived on Post Oct 16


Allen, Charles H, Private, in confinement awaiting trial Nov 29
Dwyer, James W, Private, in confinement awaiting trial Sep 19; transferred to Military Prison Ft Leavenworth Kansas Oct 10
Howard, James, Private, in confinement awaiting trial Nov 29; dishonorably discharged and transferred to military Prison Ft Leavenworth Kansas Jan 22, 1901
Kramer, John, Private, in confinement awaiting trial Sep 19; discharged without character Oct 11


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