Shaler Berry and Jessie Southgate

Cincinnati Enquirer, 9 September 1887, page 7


SHALER BERRY, son of A S Berry, leaves next week for Adams Academy in Massachusetts to prepare himself for Harvard.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 18 April 1893, page 6


Shaler Berry, oldest son of Congressman Berry arrived home last night from Hamlet, Ga. The company with which he has been employed has promoted him to the superintendency of its other mines, situated in Virginia.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 4 July 1896, page 6

Shaler Berry, eldest son of Congressman A S Berry, yesterday received notice that he had been appointed to an important and lucrative position in the service of the United States Government. He was appointed Commissioner of Salmon Fisheries and assigned to duty in Alaska.

The appointment was made by John G Carlisle, Secretary of the Treasury and without any solicitation on Mr. Berry's part of that of his friends. Colonel Berry opposed the appointment and urged on Shaler to decline it, but Shaler has telegraphed his acceptance. The appointment was made upon Shaler's qualifications, he having graduated from Harvard College with high honors in the mineralogy and aquariums.

Shaler leaves tomorrow evening for San Francisco, where he will be joined by the other two appointees and with them will proceed to Sitka Alaska. The duties of the commission are to protect the salmon fishing in the American waters at Alaska. The slaughter of this fish has threatened to exterminate the species and the Government has sent representatives there to prevent the extinction. The salmon fishing season is soon to commence and lasts five months. At the end of the season Mr. Berry will return.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 22 July 1896, page 7

Frank Taliaferro received a letter from Shaler Berry, who is in Alaska as a member of the commission appointed to protect the salmon fishing in American waters. Mr. Berry wrote the letter from Ft Wrangle. From there he is to proceed to Metatalkta, Klaawack, Chilcat, Killisnoo, Red Fish Bay and Sitka. Mr. Berry writes with great enthusiasm of his trip and in anticipation of a still more pleasant journey. He says the last ship leaves his point of destination September 6, and upon which he expects to take passage for home, arriving here about October 1.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 8 May 1901, page 5

Hamilton-Ohio, May 7, Shaler S Berry of Newport Ky. son of ex-Congressman Albert S Berry, of Newport, eloped to Hamilton yesterday afternoon with Miss Jessie Southgate, of Newport, secured a marriage license of Probate Judge Jones and a few minutes afterward were united in marriage at the Episcopalian Church by Rev David A Schaeffer.

The license gives Miss Southgate's residence as Hamilton, while Mr. Berry appears on the marriage license record as a student in one of the Cincinnati professional schools. Several years ago Mr. Berry attended Miami University at Oxford, but later went to Harvard, where he graduated.

He returned to Newport and acted for a time as his father's private secretary in Washington DC. Mr. Berry is a nephew and a namesake of Prof. N B Shaler, the eminent Harvard geologist.

Immediately after the wedding the couple took the first train for Cincinnati. The families of the young people were much surprised when they learned of the elopement. While it had been known that they were sweethearts they had not intimated that they contemplated marriage for some time.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 December 1901, page 9


Miss Sarah Southgate, of Owensboro, Ky. is visiting her relative, Mrs. Shaler Berry, of Newport.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward of Birmingham, Ala. are on their bridal trip and are visiting Mr. Southgate's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Southgate. Mr. and Mrs. Shaler Berry entertained them with a handsome dinner party.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 23 December 1903, page 7

Dr. Shaler Berry stated yesterday that Circuit Judge elect John P Newman continued to improve daily. He thinks that if the weather is propitious, Judge Newman will be able to hold court next Monday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 19 February 1908, page 11


Suit for divorce was filed yesterday by Jennie S Berry against Shaler Berry. The couple have not lived together for more than a year and it is understood that there will be no contest.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 18 May 1917, page 5

Washington-May 17-Dr. Shaler Berry, Cincinnati, haws been accepted for service with a regular army hospital unit, which will leave shortly for Europe.


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