Sergeant John Orr

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 21 September 1871, page 7


Two young men named George Smith and George Elliott took it into their hearts on Tuesday afternoon, to "clean out" as they expressed it, the Newport Barracks. they commenced by throwing stones at the windows of the Barracks buildings which soon brought out a number of soldiers, and quite a melee ensued.

Smith and Elliott made brick bats, stones and other missiles fly around at a dangerous rate for a few minutes, but they were finally overpowered by superior numbers and most unmercifully thrashed, as they richly deserved.

Sergeant John Orr received quite a severe cut just about his eye by being struck with a stone, and a colored soldier was somewhat injured. Smith and Elliott were arrested and taken before the Mayor, who fined them $15 and costs each. Being unable to pay, they were consigned to quarters in the City Jail for thirty days. It will take them about that length of time for them to recover from their bruises.


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