Morgan White
Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 July 1903, page 5
Mrs. John White, wife of ex-sheriff John White,
died Sunday night at her home Second and Monmouth Streets, Newport. Mrs. White
was 43 years of age. She leaves five children, four daughter and a son.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 7 July 1903, page 5
TO ATTEND FUNERAL-The members of the McKinley Council Nov 18, D of A, will meet Tuesday evening at 8 pm at the residence of Mrs. McEwan, 534 Columbia Street, Newport for the purpose of taking action on the death of the late Mrs. John White, whose funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm at the First Presbyterian Church. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 9 July 1903, page 9
NEWPORT-The funeral of Mrs. John (Sarah) White took place yesterday
afternoon, with services at the First Presbyterian Church, Rev Dr. J P Whitehead
officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen
Cemetery. The pall bearers were Benjamin Stanley, Jack Davis, William White, Joe
La Bolteaus, Julius White and Theodore White.