Sarah Ann Perry Root

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 6 June 1908, page 5


Mrs. Sarah Root, venerable mother of the late Oliver Root, is seriously ill at her home, Sixth and Park av. On account of her advanced age it is feared that she may not survive. She will be 90 years old on June 18.


Kentucky Post January 12, 1909 page 3

"Oldest Resident of Newport Dead-Mrs. Sarah Root Passes Away at her Home at the Age of 90"

Mrs. Sarah A Root, 90, oldest inhabitant of Newport, died this morning shortly after 2 o'clock at her home, Sixth and Park-av.  Mrs. Root was born in Newport in 1818 and resided at her birthplace Third and York-sts. for 87 years.  She spent her entire life in Newport.  She was the daughter of Colonel David Perry and married Ira Root, the father of the public school system in Newport.

Mrs. Root was the mother of Oliver W Root and Albert T Root, both prominent members of the Newport bar up to the time of their death.  Mrs. Susan R Barker, an only daughter survives her.  She also leaves a large number of great and great-grandchildren.  The funeral will be from the residence Friday at 2 pm.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 January 1909, page 3


ROOT-Mrs. Sarah A Root, aged 90 years and 6 months, Tuesday at 2:20 am at her residence Sixth and Park av. Newport Ky. Funeral services at her late residence Thursday at 2 pm. Burial private.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 January 1909, page 5


The death of Miss (sic) Sarah Root has cast a gloom over this community. Mrs. Root was in her ninety-first year and was the oldest resident in this city. Her late husband, Ira Root, was a member of the constitutional convention in 1850 and was a lawyer in this city. She resided with her daughter, Mrs. Susan Barker, on Sixth st. and Park-av. and was beloved by all who knew her.



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