Sarah Ritte

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 November 1903, page 5

PASSED AWAY-Mrs. Sarah Ritte, widow of Henry Ritte, died Friday in Newport at her residence, 109 West Fourth Street, after a lingering illness. Dropsy was the cause of her death. The deceased was 75 years of age and was one of Newport's best known citizens. She has been a resident of Newport for nearly half a century.

Mrs. Ritte leaves three daughters, Mrs. Alice Oldham, Mrs. Al Kudell and Mrs. Ray Stodgill and one son, Henry Ritte. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon with services at the house and interment at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 November 1903, page 5

DOCUMENTS-The will of Sarah Ritte was probated in Newport Wednesday. She bequeathed to her daughter, Emma Oldham, $200 for caring for her during her illness. The balance of her estate she equally divides among her children Henry Ritte, Emma Oldham, Louise Stodghill and Carrie Kudell. She appoints her son Henry as her executor without bond. The estate is estimated to be about $7000.


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