Sarah Artsman

Cincinnati Enquirer, 15 June 1872, page 7


The residence of Colonel Gus Artsman on Tibbatts street, near East row or Washington avenue, was struck by lightening night before last, and some material mischief done. Shingles were torn off and scattered, the cistern box shattered, the cellar steps likewise and the ground in the cellar plowed more vigorously than scientifically.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 11 January 1877, page 7

PERSONAL-Miss Nannie Boal and Miss Gussie Artsman will leave in a few days for Hope College, Indiana.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 26 November 1878, page 7

FOR SWEET CHARITY SAKE-The Ladies Aid Society will meet tonight at the residence of Colonel Gus Artsman of Front street.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 2 January 1880, page 7

Mrs. Colonel Gus Artsman is seriously ill. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Gus Artsman, the Misses Artsman did not receive callers.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 December 1880, page 7

MISS SALLIE ARTSMAN leaves today for Chicago to spend a few weeks.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 21 April 1892, page 6


The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Colonel Gus Artsman on Front street, was a scene last evening of a quiet wedding. The bride was Mrs. Gussie Denham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Artsman, and the groom was George W Dennison, a well known and popular young business man connected with an advertising firm.

The ceremony was performed by Rev Estill, Rector of St Paul's Episcopal Church, in the presence of a few of the most intimate friends of the family. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Dennison left for New Orleans on a bridal tour and on their return will make their home in this city.

The affair has been kept very quiet and even the grooms room mate did not know that the ceremony was to take place. the bride is one of the popular ladies of Newport and they will receive the congratulations of numerous friends.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 8 September 1892, page 6


Colonel and Mrs. Gus Artsman are entertaining Mrs. Dr. Foster of Carrollton Ky. formerly of this city.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 15 March 1896, page 26

Colonel and Mrs. Gus Artsman and Hon and Mrs. Walter P Dickerson are visiting in Cambridge City, Penn.


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