Lieut. Samuel C Orchard

Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 January 1904, page 5

Lieut. Samuel C Orchard, who has returned with his family from a visit to his home at Beaumont Texas, has taken over duties of officer in charge of prisoners.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 May 1904, page 8

It is understood that Lieutenants Samuel C Orchard, Carl C Jones, Allen Smith Jr. Charles Kelley and G W Ervington of the Third, will leave about May 22, preceding the departure of the regiment, and proceed to Alaska to relieve officers of the Eighth Infantry in charge of construction work at army posts and become acquainted with the surroundings of these posts. Lieut. Smith is to have charge of the steamer General Liseum on the Yukon River, transporting supplies to military stations.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 May 1904, page 8

Colonel Woodbury has issued orders detailing Second Lt. Iglehart as Prison Officer and Fire Marshall of the fort, relieving from such duties, Lt. Samuel C Orchard, Third Infantry. Lt. and Mrs. Samuel C Orchard, with the children, left yesterday for San Antonio Tex. for a visit to relatives in that city, where they will remain until the Third leaves the post for Alaska.


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