Samuel Bayley Pension


State of Indiana, County of Switzerland

On June 3rd of the year 1818, William Colton, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court, heard Samuel Bayley duly sworn according to law in order to obtain the provisions. In the 96th District of the State of South Carolina, he served under Captain Francis Prince. He was honorable discharged on Packet River in the state of South Carolina by the aforesaid Captain Prince. He served in the Battle of Suolivans? Island after which battle of the 3rd Regiment, the son of the General, Andrew Williams, was ordered on the Indian Frontier.

(signed) Samuel Bailey, William Colton (seal)

The affidavit of William Colton was also given at the same time and in the same place as the foregoing. The said deponent being the judge of the circuit court, stated and swore that he certified that the said pensioner, Samuel Bayley had served for a term of nine months duration in the War of the Revolution as aforesaid.

(signed) William Colton Judge of Switzerland County

It was also stated that the said pensioner had enlisted in the army in the year 1776 in either the month of February or March. John Taliferro (of Campbell County) also testified at the same time and in the same place and he stated that he had set his name on the seal and that the orders are to be certified in due form.

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