Samuel Baker


Alexandria Court Order Book 2, page 76 August 1818

On the motion of Samuel Baker, it is ordered that his stock mark be recorded to wit a crop and 2 slits in the right ear.


Alexandria Deed Book 67, page 515, 1818

Clark G Baker and Blanch B Baker, his wife of Campbell County, Margaret S Burnside and Thomas S Burnside her husband of Kenton County, Emma Baker, a single woman of Kenton County, Ellen E Willis, a widow of Campbell County, H N Baker and Martha Baker of Kenton, and Leslie C Baker and Nellie R Baker, his wife of consideration of $1 and other good and valuable considerations to them paid by Samuel B Baker of Campbell County, sell a tract of land situated in Campbell County beginning at a stake on the hill, thence with the line between the lands of Baker and Baker….to the Licking River…thence through Baker’s land…to the beginning containing 19 acres and 20 poles. The 20 poles being burying ground and is not included in the transfer being part of the same land described in deed book 61, page 11.


Alexandria Court Order Book 2, page 142-September 1819

On motion of Samuel Baker who produced satisfactory evidence that he is an
ordained minister of the Gospel in regular Communion with the Methodist Episcopal Church and who executed bond conditioned as the law directs with William Riddick, his security and qualified according to law. It is ordered that testimonies be granted him in due form of law to authorize him to celebrate the rites of matrimony according to the forms of said church.

Alexandria Court Order Book, page 74-November 1828

Campbell County Court paid to Samuel Baker, clerk of Election in Newport 1828, $6.50

Alexandria Court Order Book, page 113-June 1829

Campbell County Court ordered that Samuel Baker and Thomas G Tupman? Be appointed judges of the elections for the prescient of Bagbys and F Klette, Esquires, Clerk

Alexandria Court Order Book, page 135-November 1829

Campbell County Court paid Samuel Baker compensation for viewing the site for the poor house-$4; and as Judge of Elections-Bagbys-$3
Alexandria Court Order Book, page 228-December 1830

Campbell County Court ordered that Samuel Baker and Jonathan Carmack be allowed the sum of $12.50 each for their services as commission for settling with the Sheriff and that the sum be certified to the County Treasurer.

Alexandria Court Order Book 4, page 139-November 1835

Campbell County Court ordered that Squire Baker pay over to A Brooks the keeper of the poor house the $33 reported in his hands.

Alexandria Court Order Book 1, page 472-22 Nov 1841

Samuel Baker commissioned as a Justice of the Peace of this county, came into Court and refused to accept of said commission or to qualify as a Justice. Whereupon the Court doth recommend to the Governor of Kentucky, Charles Murnan and Thomas Vickers as suitable persons to fill said office of Justice of the Peace in the room of said Baker. A majority of all the Justices composing this Court being present and concurring in this recommendation


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