Saloon Law

Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 4 May 1881, page 2

NEWPORT-THERE are ninety-two saloons in Newport and seventy-three groceries.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 24 January 1888, page 7

NEWPORT-There are 110 saloons in Newport and 200 in Covington.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 17 March 1911, page 11

NEWPORT-Councilman Davis last night introduced an ordinance in Council that contemplated the reduction of the number of saloons in Newport to 80. No saloon keeper now in business is to be forced out but as those now in the business quit, no new ones are to be permitted and in this manner the number will drop down to the number indicated.

There are at present about 106 saloons in the city. There have been as high as 120. The ordinance was referred to the Law and License Committee and City Solicitor.


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