Sacred Heart Church

From the book Golden Jubilee Sacred Heart Church Bellevue, Kentucky 1874-1924

Submitted by Kelly

From Page 13:

The first baptism recorded in the parish books is that of Edward Geiger, who was born November 28, 1874, and baptized on December 4, 1874.  The first marriage was that of John Hood to Frances Daunt, on May 26, 1875.  The first funeral from the church was that of Anna Weber, who died December 3, 1874. 

Confirmation was administered for the first time to a class of five by the Rt. Rev. Augustus M. Toebbe in 1877.  Those confirmed on that occasion were:  Joseph Kistner, Master Klein, Caroline Sternjacob, Mary Wassermann and Scholastica Westerhaus.  The first altar boy was William H. Ueberschlag. 

From page 9:
Charter Members of the St. Joseph Married Men's Society at Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue, KY (about 1874): 
Bernard Pleimann
Henry Rohde
Louis Disz
John Junk
Christopher Benedix
William Elben
George Geiger
Conrad Schwartz
Peter Sternjacob
Anthony Krebs
Henry Bickers
G.H. Echtermann
Michael Geiger
George Benedix
John Geiger
Bernard Mohs
Andrew L. Disz
John Taphorn
Joseph Becker, Jr.
John Legner
Francis M. Schmitt
William Weber
August Fuchs
John Wettstein
Joseph H. Krogmann
Nicholas Leuthner
Henry Quaing
James Devaney
John Kearnes
A.J. Mosset
Michael Garvey
Patrick Mulhaney
Michael Fitzgerald
Patrick Gillivan
Patrick Mullin


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