Ruth Gleeson

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 October 1905, page 5


Miss Ruth Gleeson, 21, for years a Bell telephone operator at the South Exchange, died last night at 11:55 o'clock at her mother's home, 106 West Front st. Newport, after a long illness. She was the daughter of the late W J Gleeson, a newspaper man, and leaves two sisters and three brothers.

She had a wide circle of friends in Covington and Newport. The funeral arrangement have not been made.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 30 October 1905, page 5


Twelve young women, friends of Miss Ruth Gleeson, of West Front st. Newport, who died last Friday night, will act as pallbearers tomorrow and her last wish that they be dressed in white and carry lilies, will be carried out. Miss Gleeson was a telephone operator at the South Exchange for years and six of the 12 pallbearers she selected before her death are operators from the exchange.

Another wish was that eight young men follow behind the hearse and on the lapel of their coats wear a white rose. Miss Gleeson was only 21 years old. The 12 young women selected by her were Misses Charlotte Halloran, Anna Hall, Eva Buchert, Elizabeth Pryor, Julia Milet and Emma Sloan from the exchange, and Nellie Barry, Lulu Schefner, Myrtle Riggs, Mayme Bowers, Elizabeth Cannon and Mattie Porter. The young men are Carroll McNamara, John Schulte, Milford Stymson, Alfred Stuckenberg, William Simon, Thomas Sullivan, Charles Maloney and Felix Rickey.

A requiem mass will be said at the hour of the funeral 9 o'clock tomorrow morning at the Church of the Immaculate Conception by Rev James McNerney. The burial will take place at St Stephen Cemetery.


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