Rosetta "Rose" Bryan

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 June 1906, page 5

Coroner Digby of Newport, is investigating the suicide of Mrs. Alonzo Bryant (sic) which occurred Monday at her home, near Grants Lick, Campbell co. Mrs. Bryant jokingly told her husband that she was going to drink carbolic acid while holding a bottle in her hand.

"All right," replied Bryant as he left for another part of the house. Thinking no more about the matter he was about to leave the house to pick some cherries when he heard his wife scream. He rushed into the room where his wife was and was horrified to learn that she had carried out her threat. Mrs. Bryant could not speak when addressed and fell into her husband's arms.

A physician was summoned but she was beyond medical aid before his arrival. She died a few hours after taking the deadly draft. Bryant can assign no reason for the rash act. Mrs. Bryant was 28 years of age and leaves three young children.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 7 June 1906, page 2

Coroner Digby, of Newport, returned yesterday from Grants Lick, where he held an inquest on the body of Mrs. Rosa Bryan, who committed suicide Monday by taking carbolic acid. The deceased was 27 years of age and is survived by a widower and three children. Dr. Digby rendered a verdict of death due to carbolic acid, taken with suicidal intent.


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