Private Rolla Ratliff

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 January 1904, page 1

Three prisoners at Ft Thomas risked their lives to escape from the guard Monday night and used a rope to let themselves down from a third story window. Several detachments were sent after them, but the storm prevented their capture.

The prisoners were: Rolla Ratliff of Troop F, Eighth Cavalry; Joseph Ruffling, Company D, Third Infantry and James Fitzgerald also of the Third. Thirty six men were confined in the barracks room in a building near the guardhouse and there was but one sentinel in the room. It appears that it was the intention of all the men to get away, but the suspicions of the guard were aroused and a roll call revealed the fact that three had escaped.

One of the prisoners smuggled a rope into the room. The prisoners claimed the room was foul and opened a window. All three men were deserters who were serving 18 months each, imposed by court marital. The room was in charge of Private J Sparks of Company M. Sergeant Bowles of the guard, sent out three searching parties to try and round up the escaped men.

It is believed they are in hiding as they had no means to travel.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 January 1904, page 5

Joseph T Ruffling, one of the escaped prisoners who escaped from the guardroom at Ft Thomas Thursday was captured in Cincinnati Wednesday. He had suffered from exposure during the night and says he does not know where they went.


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