Robert B Wilson

Kentucky Post, Friday, 3 July 1903, page 5

BUD WILSON DIED-Robert B Wilson, known as Bud, died Thursday evening at the home, 321 West Fifth Street, Newport, after a lingering illness.  Consumption was the cause of his death.  He was well known and at one time a leader in Republican politics.  He was elected to the Legislature and at one time was candidate for Postmaster.

He was a brother of former Sheriff "Pic" Wilson, and former Coroner Wilson, both of Covington.  He was a member of the Knights of Pythias.


 Cincinnati Post, Sunday, 5 July 1903, page 11

The funeral of Robert, better known as "Bud" Wilson, will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The services will be conducted by Rev Father McNery. The remains will be interred at St Stephen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 July 1903, page 5

The remains of the late R B Wilson, who died Thursday night at the home on West Fifth Street in Newport, were buried Monday morning at St Stephen Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted at the Church of the Immaculate Conception by Rev James McNerny.


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