Robert Stubbs

Mason County Courthouse March 25, 1801

Rawleigh Colston of Frederick County Virginia and Robert Stubbs of Campbell County, Kentucky for and in consideration of the rents Covenants agreements and reservation herein after mentioned on the part of Robert Stubbs hath granted and to Farm for during the term of his the said Robert Stubbs natural life aged 48 years and the life of his son, James Robert Stubbs aged 5 years (Note: they had another son John Grant Stubbs born November 12, 1794 and a daughter, Harriet) 150 acres of land lying on the waters of Licking being the Lott formerly held by Advinson Rogers and sold by the Sheriff for Taxes.

Rawleigh Colston to receive the sum of 15 Spanish milled dollars or the value thereof in other silver or gold coin on the 1st January annually during the said term and also all taxes arising on the same during the said term.  One fourth of the tract in wood untouched and entire to be for the use of the said land after the expiration of the said term.  Also that within ten years from the date of this Indenture shall be built on the said land a good dwelling house of the following description viz Frame Stone Brick or hewed logs, 28 feet by 18, to be a story and half high, plank floor and covered with shingles, glass windows suitable to the size of the house and finished in a workmanlike manner and a Barn 38 feet long 16 feet wide and at least 15 feet pitch to have a threshing floor 14 feet by 16 and to be covered with shingles as well thatched.

Teste-Marshall Key, Rawleight Colston by his attorney in fact Thomas Marshall Junr. and Robert Stubbs


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