Robert S Plettner

Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 January 1903, page 5

Assistant Chief of Police Robert Plettner, Bellevue, was removed to Speers Hospital in Dayton, Thursday afternoon for treatment. He has been feeling ill for some time and Dr. Barker, who is attending him, is of the opinion that he has typhoid fever.

He is also suffering from nervous prostration, thought to have been brought on by loss of sleep. During the last three weeks he, as agent for the Balke estate has been up until after midnight attending the wants of the various secret societies. He was much improved Friday morning.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 January 1903, page 5

Robert S Plettner, Assistant Chief of Police, Bellevue was reported somewhat improved at Speers Hospital in Dayton Saturday morning. The attending physicians think that a weeks rest will be necessary to quiet his nerves, which they say was the cause of the collapse on last Thursday.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 January 1903, page 5

Assistant Chief of Police Robert Plettner has sufficiently recovered from his recent attack of nervous prostration to be removed from Speers Hospital Monday to his home.


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