Robert B McCracken

Submitted by Frank Gruber

Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 23 November 1867, page 2

DIED-In Newport, Kentucky on Friday, November 22, at 6 o'clock p.m.,  Rob't B. McCracken, in the 54th year of his age.

Funeral from residence, No. 6 Monmouth St., Sunday the 24th, 2 p.m.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 25 November 1867, page 2

  The Late Robert B. McCracken. The funeral of the Ex-Mayor of Newport, Robert B. McCracken, took place yesterday afternoon, and the numerous retinue of sorrowing friends who followed his mortal remains to their last earthly  resting place, attested his great worth while living.

Mr. McCracken was for many years a resident of Newport, a man of sterling worth, and had filled with marked ability and credit many important positions of public trust. Beneath an austere surface beat a noble, manly heart. His many generous and kindly qualities endeared him to all who knew him intimately, and the loss to his family will prove an irreparable one.  We extend to them our heartfelt sympathies.

Mr. McCracken was an honored member of several benevolent societies, who turned out in large numbers to tender their last tokens of respect to a departed brother.  The funeral cortege was,  perhaps, the largest ever seen in Newport.

"Green be the turf above him"


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