Robert Charles Luebbers

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 July 1945, page 1

En route home for a reunion with his family, Cpl. Robert C Luebbers, 22, of 323 Ward avenue, Bellevue, crew member, was one of four survivors rescued when a Flying Fortress bound for this country from England fell in the Atlantic, 100 miles west of the Azores July 5. Fourteen other passengers and crewmen were lost.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Luebbers, parents of Cpl. Luebbers, were notified in a War Department telegram Tuesday that their son had been rescued and returned to military control. "I'll be seeing you soon," Cpl Luebbers promised his parents in his last letter written from England June 28. In the service two years Cpl. Luebbers was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds sustained in action June 13, 1944 in Rome. Cpl. Luebbers served with the 5th Army in Italy and with the Seventh Army in France and England where he was hospitalized for combat fatigue, Dec 17.

He was transferred to the Air Corps Feb 26 as a member of the ground crew. A graduate of Bellevue High School in the class of 1940, he was an employee of the Cincinnati Balcrank Inc. prior to entering the service. When he telephoned Cpl. Luebbers home Sunday after arriving home, Pfc. Bob Higgins of Silverton O. a buddy who had returned to the states in the same squad was unaware of the accident.

Cpl. Luebbers has 84 points toward his discharge quota.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 July 1947, page 2

Robert Luebbers, Purple Heart veteran of World War II, has announced his candidacy for the nomination in the Democratic primary for chief of police of Bellevue. He served with the 36th Infantry Division in Africa, Italy, France and Germany.

He was wounded in the Italian campaign. He makes his home at 323 Ward avenue.


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