Robert Alfred Hegener
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 22 November 1951, page 26
BELLEVUE SOLDIER IS AT BRECKINRIDGE-Ft. Meade MD-Nov 22. Pvt. Robert A Hegener, 20 son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hegener, 225 Glazier avenue, Bellevue, Ky. has completed processing at the 2053d Reception Center here and is assigned to the 101st Airborne Division, Camp Breckinridge, Ky. for Army basic training. He will receive 16 weeks of basic military training. Fundamental military subjects such as close order drill, care of clothing and equipment, first aid, scouting and trolling, and map reading will be taught.
Individual firing of the M-I rifle, carbine and light machine gun will be included in the battle indoctrination phase of the training.