Robert Graff

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 25 November 1944, page 4

Pvt. Robert Graff, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Graff, of Newport, has been in the American Theater of Operation and in the European Theater of Operations. Stationed somewhere in France, Pvt. Graff has received the good conduct medal, the Infantry Combat medal and the Presidential citation.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 November 1946, page 14

U. S. Naturalization officials joined Friday with Robert Graff, 21 year old war veteran, of 29 E Fourth st. Newport, to remove all "red tape" and bring his English war bride and their eight month old daughter to this country The U. S. consul in England had advised Mr. Graff, a wounded veteran, he did not have the requisite number of years in the United States at the time his daughter was born in England and the child had no claim to citizenship here.

Edward J Kennedy, Covington naturalization officer, ruled the consul was in erro as Mr. Graff's years of service do not affect his citizenship.


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