Robert Babcock

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 February 1903, page 5

Robert Babcock, 32, of 638 Robert Street, Newport, was arrested by Patrolmen Venord and Wright Friday night on a serious charge. At least a dozen prominent women were in Police Court and identified him as the man who has been acting indecently in the East End of the city for some time. He has stopped many women and used insulting remarks, but never attempted any bodily harm.

Judge Moore cleared the courtroom Saturday when he was hearing the case, and only the witnesses and the attorneys were allowed in. The women refused to testify unless this was done. The accused in married and has one child and his wife is distracted over the arrest. His parents are well known in Newport and highly respected. David Babcock, his father was almost broken hearted when he heard of his son's actions.

The law has no special provision for such cases and Judge Moore tried him on disorderly conduct, the fullest extent of the penalty being $100 fine and 30 days in jail. the accused, when questioned said: "It's for want of sense, I guess, that I did it." Judge Moore fined him $100 and sentenced him to 30 days in jail.


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