Dr. Robert Allen Dameron

Cincinnati Daily Star, Tuesday, 24 February 1880, page 7

John Baxter returning on Ann street, while returning from Cincinnati about 10 pm last night with a crowd of boys, became involved in a dispute on the Landing, which soon became serious both parties using knives. Baxter was cut about the face, neck and head receiving six terrible gashes. He was taken to his home and dr. Dameron sewed up the wounds. They physician reports Baxter in a critical condition.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Tuesday, 9 March 1880, page 6

A young man named Reilly, while engaged in a quarrel with a companion named Kelly, was stabbed in the left breast with a pocket knife. Dr. Dameron was summoned to the beside of the wounded man, who resides on Monmouth street, Newport. Kelly resides on Tibbatts street.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Wednesday, 5 October 1881, page 3

John B Wagoner, the well known builder, met with very severe injuries yesterday morning that may prove fatal. He had commenced to repair a two story frame house on Monmouth street, Newport, near Bellevue, and to reach the roof he had placed a ladder on a small table and had reached the gutter when the ladder slipped and fell. His left arm was broken and his face and head and other parts of his body badly cut and bruised and it is feared he is injured internally.

Dr. R A Dameron was summoned and rendered the necessary aid and had him removed to his residence on Columbia street.

A warrant was sworn out Monday evening for the arrest of Andy Thompson of Locust street, by his wife. About midnight Mrs. Thompson came after Constable Kettles and requested him to arrest her husband. He found the door open and Thompson made at him with a huge knife. The officer made good use of his cane and Thompson was jerked against the wall and a severe gash cut in his head. The Constable succeeded in bringing him along and after visiting Dr. Dameron sent him to jail.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Monday, 12 September 1881, page 2

The twenty-second annual fair of the Campbell County Agriculture Society has just closed and a most successful season it has proved to be, despite the drought, which threatened to have a depressing effect on the attendance. Among the prominent people present were Dr. Dameron, Mr. and Mrs. T P Dameron.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Saturday, 5 June 1880, page 6

A game of baseball has been arranged to be played July 4th between the Newport Scientific Association and the Chess Club, the proceeds to be given to a charitable institution. The Chess Club Team are as follows: Dr. R A Dameron, center field.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Wednesday, 23 June 1880, page 6

Dr. Dameron, Jail Physician, Newport, was obliged to prescribe for twelve of the prisoners this morning, who are suffering from rheumatism. The old rookery where they are confined is too damp and in many other respects unfit for a hog pen.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Thursday, 29 July 1880, page 3

Dr. R A Dameron and wife and Ed Hayman and wife returned yesterday from a trip to Niagara Falls and Lake Chautauqua.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Monday, 16 August 1880, page 3

Mrs. Dr. R A Dameron leaves today for Louisville, where she will remain sometime.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Friday, 17 September 1880, page 3

The Democratic City Convention assembled last night in Eclipse Hall, Newport and nominated a full ticket for the October election. The nomination of District City Physicians resulted as follows: First District, Dr. R A Dameron.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Thursday, 30 December 1880, page 3

A man named David Fox, living on Taylor avenue, near Bellevue, was caught between one of the White Line cars and the iron work at the south end of the Railroad Bridge and badly bruised. Dr. Dameron was summoned and saw him recovered to be taken home.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Thursday, 3 February 1881, page 2

Mrs. Smith living on Front street, Newport, was badly burned last night about the arms and back by her clothing catching fire from an open grate. Dr. Dameron was called in and relieved her suffering.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Saturday, 5 March 1881, page 3

Mrs. Rentz, fell yesterday at the corner of Monmouth and Bellevue, Newport, and fractured her right leg and dislocated her ankle. She was carried into the grocery of F J Immegart and Dr. R A Dameron summoned who set the broken limb, after which she was removed to her home on Monmouth street, near Mayo.


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