Richard Southgate

Newport, Court Order Book A, page 108 11 September 1797

Richard Southgate qualified according to Law as Deputy Clerk of this court.
Court Order Book A, page 117, 9 October 1797

Richard Southgate Esqr. produced his Licence authorizing him to practice Law in the Courts of this Commonwealth and having taken the Oaths prescribed by Law he is admitted on his motion to practice as Attorney of this Court.
Court Order Book A, page 136, 8 January 1797

Richard Southgate Esqr. is appointed Commonwealth attorney for this court.
Deed Book A, page 264 Recorded 12 February 1798

Indenture made 12 February 1798 between Richard Southgate of the county of Campbell of the one part and James Taylor of the same County of the other part.  In consideration for the sum of 30 pounds paid by James to the said Richard, Richard sells all his interest in a certain tract of land lying in the County of Montgomery in the State of Virginia on a branch of big Hetten Creek of new River containing 81 acres be the same more or less which land was granted to the said Richard as assignee of Philip Cains who was assignee of Solomon Cox junior by patent bearing date the 9 August 1786.
Deed Book B, page 132 Recorded 12 March 1799

Indenture between Bernard Fowler and Elisabeth, his wife of one part, and Richard Southgate of the other part. For $1500, Richard bought land lying and being on Main Licking in the County of Campbell containing 300 acres, being the tract conveyed to Bernard by John Grant, together with houses, barns, buildings, stable yards, gardens, orchard, land, tenements, meddalls, pastures, feedings, commons, woods, underwoods, etc. To Grant from John Bartle (300 acres on which he lived) of 358 from David Leitch.  Signed Bernard Fowler, Elisabeth Fowler

Sealed and delivered in the presence of Andrew Lewis, William Reddick, William Anderson
Court Order Book A, page 248 13 October 1800

Richard Southgate is appointed Captain of the patrole in the Newport district.
Alexandria Deed Book B, page 313-Recorded November Court 1802

Whereas David Leitch by his will and testament devised all his real estate to his wife Keturah Leitch forever as will more fully appear by reference to the records of the County Court of Mason and the said Keturah having intermarried with James Taylor and whereas the said  David Leitch in his lifetime executed his bond to Edward Welch for 100 acres of land, being that tract on which the said Edward lately lived and being part of the said David Leitch’s 13,800 acre tract lying near the mouth of the Licking.

Now this indenture made 1 Nov 1802 between James Taylor and Keturah, he wife, late Keturah Leitch, widow and devisee of David Letich, deceased of Campbell County and state of Kentucky of the one part and the said Edward Welch of the same county and state of the other part; beginning on the bank of Main Licking on the lower side of Bartles run to Elms upper corner to the survey, formerly belonging to said Bartle and now belonging to Richard Southgate…small beech in the line of the land sold to D C Orcutt.
Deed Book S, page 148-Recorded 17 Feb 1807

Deed made 17 Sep 1806 between Edward Welch of the county of Campbell of the first part and Richard Southgate of the county of Campbell of the other part. Edward for 12 pounds, eight shillings sold to Richard out of the 190 acres of land sold him by Major David Leitch on Licking River adjoining the tract once owned by John Bartle which adjoins the station the following parts thereof; to wit of the said 100 acres, boundaries lying in Campbell County together with the appurtenaces (sic).

Edward Welch X his mark
Sealed and delivered in the presence of J Weaver, George Porter, John McCabe

Deed Book S, page 242-Recorded 2 Jun 1809

Indenture made 29 Aug 1808 between George Kelly of the county of Butler and state of Ohio and Richard Southgate of the county of Campbell for $350 sold to Richard, a tract of land in Campbell County lying on Riffle Creek which empties into main Licking being a part of Letiche’s 13,800 acres tract and boundaries…containing 150 acres of land with appurtenances excepting thereout 60 acres of land deeded by said Kelly to James White by deed dated 7 Jun 1803 bounded, George Kelly together with Elisabeth, his wife.

Signed George Kelly-only
Deed Book F, page 271-Recorded 6 Aug 1823

Indenture made 6 Aug 1823 between James White of the county of Campbell of the one part and Richard Southgate of the same county of the other part. James for $140, sells all that certain tract of land lying in the county of Campbell-boundaries; containing by survey 60 acres more or less being the same tract of land conveyed to said James White by George Kelly and wife by dead dated 7 Jun 1803.

Written, sealed and delivered in presence of W W Southgate, J G Bennett
Alexandria, Deed Book G, page 68-Recorded 21 Mar 1825

Deed made 21 Mar 1825 between Samuel Perry of the County of Switzerland in the state of Indiana of the one part and Richard Southgate of the county of Campbell of the other part. Samuel, for $175 sells all the undivided estate of said Samuel in a certain tract of 140 acres lying in Campbell County which was allotted to Ann Perry for her life time, now deceased, as one of the children and heirs of Samuel Perry, deceased.

Sealed and delivered in presence of: William Wright Southgate, Robert Lewis
Alexandria Deed Book, Page 427-Recorded 11 Feb 1825

Deed made 1 Nov 1824 between Joseph Perry and Samuel Perry and Mary B Perry, wife of the said Samuel of the county of Hamilton, and state of Ohio of the one part and Richard Southgate and William Caldwell of the county of Campbell of the other part. The parties of the first part for $4200 sell all that certain tract of land situated in the county of Campbell on the Ohio River above the mouth of a branch being the original upper corner of David Perry’s survey of 1200 acres containing 344 acres more or less. Also all that other tract of land situated in the county of Campbell adjoining the above 344 acres containing 344 acres. The first allotted to Samuel Perry as one of the heirs of David Perry, deceased, the later allotted to Joseph Perry as one of the heirs of said David.

Sealed and delivered in presence of: David Perry, William C Baxter
Deed Book 3, page 67-28 Nov 1824-Recorded 25 Jun 1825

Indenture made 28 Nov 1824 between Nickolas Longworth and Susan his wife of the county of Hamilton and State of Ohio of the one part and Richard Southgate of the county of Campbell of the other part. Nickolas and Susan for $1400 sell all the following described parcel of land situated in county of Campbell containing 140 acres and no more being part of a tract of land containing 1000 acres granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia to Samuel Perry, deceased, by patent dated 6 Sep 1787. The said 140 acres having been allotted to Samuel Perry upon a partition made of said representatives of the patentee aforesaid as the share of said Samuel as one of the heirs of the deceased. Samuel Perry conveyed to Robert L Richardson, conveyed 8 Oct 1824 by said Robert by Ira Ingram his attorney in fact to said Nickolas.

Sealed and delivered in presence of: Robert Lewis, William C Baxter

Deed Book H, page 77-Recorded 16 Apr 1828

Deed made 16 Apr 1828 between Lazarus G White and Mary White, his wife, the said
Mary being the daughter of the late Jonathan Keen of the County of Campbell of the one
 part and Richard Southgate of the same county of the other part. Lazarus and Mary in consideration of $20, sell a certain tract of land containing by survey 58 acres being the same land conveyed by Frank Spilman and George W Beall as administrators of William Kennedy, deceased to Jonathan Keen by deed dated 9 Aug 1820, and also all that certain other tract of land lying in the county aforesaid containing 54 and ½ acres being the same land conveyed by James Taylor and Keturah L Taylor, his wife to the said Jonathan Keen by deed dated the 30 Sep 1820 of which said tracts of land the said Jonathan Keen died, seized and being the same land sold originally by William Kennedy in his life time to a certain Thomas Johnson, the said Mary being entitled to one equal undivided fourth part of the said tract of land as one of the children of said Jonathan, deceased.

Deed Book H, page 161 Filed 23 March 1830
Recorded 26 March 1830

Indenture made 23 March 1830 between James T Berry of the County of Campbell of the one part and Richard Southgate of the same county of the other part. James T in consideration of the sum of $910 sells all that certain tract of land situated in the County of Campbell on the water of the Ohio river containing 128 acres 3 roods and 35 poles being lot No. 9 of the land allotted to the children and heirs of Washington Berry, deceased.

Alexandria Book H, page 412-Recorded 5 Feb 1831

Deed made 25 Apr 1828 between Mark B Keen of the county of Campbell and state of Kentucky of the one part and Richard Southgate of the same county of the other part.  Mark for and in consideration of the sum of $20 sells all the undivided estate of the said Mark in a certain tract of land lying in the county aforesaid containing 54 and ½ acres of land lying on Licking river being the same land of which Jonathan Keen, the father of the said Mark, died seized and which was deeded to the said Jonathan by James Taylor and Keturah L Taylor, his wife by deed dated 30 Sep 1820 and also all the undivided estate of the said Mark in a certain other tract of land situated also on Licking river which the said Jonathan Keen died seized containing by survey 58 acres and which was deeded by Frank Spilman and George M Beall, administrators, to the said Jonathan by deed dated 9 Aug 1820.

Sealed and delivered in presence of: Benjamin Miller, John Hudleson, R H Southgate

Deed Book H, page 498 Recorded 20 July 1831

Deed made 20 July 1831 between William Richard Taliaferro and Alcy Taliaferro his wife of the County of Campbell of the one part, and Richard Southgate of the town of Newport of the other part. William and Alcy in consideration of $218.90 paid October 3, 1826 by the said Richard sells all that certain tract of land situated in the County of Campbell on the Ohio River containing 27 acres, 58 poles being part of a certain tract of land containing 124 acres 3 roods and 35 poles which was alloted to the above names Alcy Taliaferro as one of the children of Washington Berry, deceased.

Signed William R Taliaferro, Alice T Taliaferro

Alexandria Deed Book I-J, page 55-Recorded 14 Mar 1832

Deed made 18 Jul 1829 between Thomas D Carneal of the county of Campbell of the one
part and Richard Southgate of the same county of the other part. Thomas in consideration
of the sum of one dollar sells all that certain tract of land situated in Campbell County being a part of a tract of land deeded to Samuel Perry, deceased, lying on the Ohio opposite the mouth of the little Miami being the same farm bought by Robert D Richardson of William Perry; also a farm of the same size adjoining the same bought by said Richardson of Samuel Perry by deed dated 23 Sep 1817 (Book D, page 556-7) containing 140 acres in Campbell County being part of a tract of land granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia to Samuel Perry, the father of William and Samuel Perry by a patent dated 6 Sep 1787 signed Lt. Gov. Beverly Randolph, the same being the shares of said William and Samuel as heirs by partition being the same land which by deed dated 23 Jul 1822 Robert D Richardson by his attorney in fact, Nicholas Longworth, conveyed to the said Thomas D Carneal.

In presence of: Bennett Sebby Hopkins

Alexandria Deed Book N, page 352-Recorded 3 Oct 1838

Deed made 28 Sep 1838 between Richard Southgate of the County of Campbell of the first
part and George W Holmes and Samuel D Holmes of the second part. Richard, for $675,
sells the one undivided sixth part of a tract of 140 acres of land which sixth part was deeded
 by Samuel Perry to said Richard by deed dated 21 Mar 1825, the said 140 acres having been allotted to Ann, the sister of the said Samuel as her part of a certain tract of 1000 acres upon a division thereof among the heirs of Samuel Perry, deceased, the father of the said Samuel and Ann and the patentee of said land, and also the undivided one sixth part of another tract of land in same deed being a part of the 1000 acres aforesaid called in said deed, the Perry
 reserve and estimated 35 acres, situated in the county of Campbell.

Signed and sealed in presence of: J M Bowers

Deed Book P, page 469-Recorded 20 May 1841

Deed made 25 May 1841 between Nicholas Longworth and Susan, his wife of the city of Cincinnati, County of Hamilton and State of Ohio of the one part and Richard Southgate of the town of Newport of the other part. Nicholas and Susan for $1400 on the 2 Nov 1824 sold all that certain tract of land situated in the county of Campbell near the Ohio river containing 140 acres between the same tract of land which Henry C Southgate as commissioner appointed by the Campbell Circuit Court conveyed to the said Longworth by deed dated 23 Jul 1828.

Deed Book 7, page 169 Recorded 19 November 1850

Whereas James T Berry did by deed dated 23 March 1830 convey to Richard Southgate,
 a certain tract of land in the County of Campbell on the waters of the Ohio River containing  128 acres, 3 roods and 35 poles for the sum of $920. Whereas the deed being recorded  but the clerk failed to subscribe his name on the record to said certificate and whereas the original deed has been lost or mislaid and whereas the said James T Berry is desirous to secure to the said Richard the title to said land the same lot of land conveyed by Commissioners to James T Berry as one of the children of Washington Berry, deceased.

Alexandria Deed Book X, page 80-Recorded 23 Oct 1852

Deed made 22 Oct 1852 between John W Carson and Elisabeth, his wife of the county of Campbell of the one part and Richard Southgate of the same county. John and Elisabeth
for sum of $1 sell a certain tract of land containing 100 acres situated on the bank of the
Licking river being the same tract of land which is described in a deed dated 16 Apr 1828
made by Lazarus G White and Mary his wife, and by which she the said Elisabeth claims by descent from Aaron Keen, deceased.

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