Richard Shaler

Cincinnati Enquirer,


We saw at the law office of F M Webster Esq. on yesterday, the late decision of the Court of Appeals in the case of the Newport City Fuel Company against Richard Shaler. It seems that some time ago a judgment was rendered in the case against Richard Shaler for several hundred dollars, which being unpaid, a rule was taken against him to enforce the payment which being sustained by the Circuit Court. Shaler appealed to the Court of Appeals.

The latter decided that as the claim against Shaler was a judgment for money and as imprisonment for debt is not now allowed in Kentucky, and Shaler had not the means to pay the judgment, that he was not in contempt of the order of the Court in failing to pay the money and the attempt to enforce the payment of the money in this way was erroneous, therefore, reversed the decision of the Circuit Court in regard to it.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 15 March 1882, page 2


Richard Shaler was found dead in his bed at this home on Taylor street, yesterday morning. The deceased retired about ten o'clock Monday night and when the servant knocked at this door Tuesday morning, she failed to received a response. She immediately informed Hon A S Berry, a brother-in-law of the deceased, that Mr. Shaler did not answer her know and she feared that something was wrong.

Mr. Berry, who resides at the house adjoining the Shaler homestead arose and proceeded over to Mrs. Shaler's room on the third floor. He found the door unlocked and upon entering found the deceased lying in bed with his head supported by several pillows. He shook him but the body was still warm and Mr. Berry applied a towel to his face and rubbed his head in the hopes he would return to life.

He sent for Dr. G W and R Thornton who responded immediately  and applied all the artificial modes known to their science but without effect. Several years ago the deceased met with an accident which resulted in the straining of his legs, from the effects of which he never recovered. The pain at time was so severe at times that he would use hydrate chloral to rid the effects. But soon he became so addicted that he could not restrain himself and would often take large doses and lie constantly in his room.

A small vial was found on the sidebar in his room yesterday morning. It is estimated he took at lest sixty-six grams. Mr. Shaler was the second son of Dr. N B Shaler who died a few weeks ago, and was thirty-seven years of age and unmarried. He was born in this city and has been a life long resident. He was in the war and for the past ten years has worked with the Newport Fuel Company.

He was a member of the Masonic P?? and possessed of considerable money and estate. He was genial, generous and respected by those who knew him. He brother Prof. Nat Shaler is at present in Italy, was informed of the sad affair by a cablegram yesterday. His funeral will take place Friday morning from his late home.


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