Richard Charles Mueller

Kentucky Post, Friday, 31 March 1944, page 8

A Purple Heart has been awarded to Pfc. R Charles Mueller Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mueller, 351 Van Voast avenue, Bellevue, for wounds suffered on the Anzio beachhead Feb 7. It was at the same time two of his buddies, Robert Knecht of Ft Thomas and Harry Cordes of Norwood O. were killed.

Pfc. Mueller was struck by a piece of flak as the enemy bombed the evacuation hospital and one of the bombs fell only eight feet from him. His parents are looking forward to seeing their son's Purple Heart award, for he has written that it is in the mail en route here.

Entering the service with 15 other Campbell countians in October 1942, Pfc. Mueller trained at Camp Breckinridge Ky. and landed in North Africa the following April. They received citations from Gen. Mark Clark for bravery and excellent work in the invasion of Salerno. The 23 year old Bellevue soldier is a native of that city, was graduated from Newport Catholic High School and was an employee of the American Tool before entering the service.


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