Richard Butler Hawkins

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 July 1896, page 6

Butler Hawkins, 42, the Newport attorney, died suddenly Monday afternoon at Stoeckle's Hotel, Newport, from heart failure. He engaged a room at the hotel and started upstairs. When he reached the landing on the third floor he fell dead.

His father, E W Hawkins, is one of the best known citizens of Newport.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 22 July 1896, page 5

The remains of the late R Butler Hawkins were laid away Wednesday afternoon at Evergreen Cemetery. Services were conducted at the residence on York Street by Rev J P Whitehead of the Presbyterian Church at 2 pm. The Campbell County Bar Association held a meeting in the Circuit Courtroom to take action upon his death. Judge T M Hill acted as Chairman and Tony Teuscher as Secretary.

A committee consisting of Judge NL Bennett, John T Hodge and William Warren was appointed to adopt appropriate resolutions. The association attended the funeral in a body.


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