Richard Barrett

Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 11 October 1905, page 9


Richard Barrett, 40? married and residing on West Sixth street, between Central avenue and Isabella, was smothered and crushed to death under tons of falling earth in a sewer trench yesterday morning. Barrett was employed as a laborer by Plumber Albert Kruse. He was at work in the trench in the alley that runs between Washington avenue and Overton street. Near the corner of Ninth street a strata of sandy loam was encountered.

Barrett was working in a hole nearly nine feet in depth when, without any warning, the entire trench, caved in. At least six feet of earth covered the unfortunate man and although many willings hands went to work to effect the work of the rescue, it was at least 20 minutes before Barrett's body was even half exposed. When finally extricated, Barrett's heart was scarcely beating and a few minutes later Drs. Bach and Digby pronounced him dead.

The remains were removed to Costigan's morgue where they performed a post mortem. The found that Barrett was crushed internally and that he had suffered from internal hemorrhages. When taken from the trench he was bleeding from the mouth, nose and ears. Dennis Mullen, who was working with Barrett, was partly buried but was able to get out. Claude Mouar, was struck on the hand with a shovel and several stitches were necessary to close up the wound.

Coroner Higgins stated last night that Barrett's death was instantaneous. He and Dr. Bach found a fracture of the spinal cord and proof of internal bleeding.


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