Squire Reuben Tedrow

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 January 1903, page 3

Squire Reuben Tedrow, a pioneer resident of Bellevue, celebrated the eighty-ninth anniversary at his home, 210 Lafayette Avenue, Bellevue.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 July 1904, page 3

Squire Reuben Tedrow has the sympathy of a legion of friends in the death of his youngest son, Reuben O Tedrow, aged 57, at the Marine Hospital of cirrhosis of the liver Tuesday. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 July 1904, page 5

The funeral of Reuben Tedrow which was to have taken place Thursday, has been changed until Friday. Some of the family failed to arrive from Washington in time.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 15 December 1904, page 7

Squire Reuben Tedrow, one of the oldest men and Magistrates in Campbell County, will on Jan 27, 1906, celebrate his ninety-third birthday. A number of children are arranging a reunion for the occasion.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 January 1905, page 3

Squire Reuben Tedrow, Lafayette av. and Division st. Bellevue, is celebrating his ninety-first birthday today. He is still hale and hearty and is at his office every day on Fairfield av. He has been a resident of Campbell County for nearly 60 years and was one of the charter members of Bellevue. Only one other charter member survives, Spencer Reeves, who is 78.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 26 May 1905, page 7

Reuben Tedrow has been given the contract for furnishing coal to the city at his bid of $3.25 per ton.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 August 1905, page 5

Squire Reuben Tedrow of Lafayette st. Bellevue, is suffering from a badly swollen left hand, as a result of coming in contact with a rusty nail.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 February 1907, page 5

Reuben Tedrow, 93, and probably one of the oldest residents of Campbell co. was taken yesterday to Speers Hospital suffering with a complication of troubles incidental to old age.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 June 1907, page 5

Squire Reuben Tedrow was removed to Speers Hospital yesterday afternoon in the city patrol. Owing to his extreme age, 94 years, he has become very feeble, and his demise may be expected at any time. He was one of the earliest settlers of Bellevue and probably ranks as the oldest pioneer in the county.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 26 June 1907, page 7

Squire Reuben Tedrow, 94, who is at Speers Hospital, suffering from a complication of disease, is reported as being about the same today. Owing to his advanced age his condition is considered critical.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 December 1907, page 5

Uncle Reuben Tedrow, who has been known to Campbell co residents for 77 years, is dead at the home of his son, William Tedrow on York st. Newport. He was the oldest man in Campbell co. having been born Jan 27, 1814. He was a resident of Bellevue since 1865, helping to start the Calvary M E Church and was Superintendent of the Sunday school.

His death was due to the complications of old age and at 9 am the end came. He leaves 17 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. In a letter left to his daughter, Mrs. James Soden, he says:

"My first conversion was at a camp meeting at Oliver Grove, Clermont Co O. in 1829. I was also connected with the Union Bethel in Cincinnati, and afterward assisted in starting a service in the basement of the German M E Church in Newport, when Rev s Belleville was pastor. He helped found Bellevue in 1867. They applied for a charter and Bellevue was founded."

Squire Tedrow received his prefix of Squire by elected a Magistrate a number of times. He could read without glasses to the time of his death and could walk to his home on Division st. from his office on Sixth av. without assistance. The funeral arrangements have not been made.


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