Rene Amann

Cincinnati Enquirer, 3 December 1892, page 6


Rene Amann, the nineteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Amann, died early yesterday morning at the home of his parents, 624 York Street.  The deceased was a young man of very amiable disposition and had bright prospects in store for him.

He contracted consumption from a heavy cold, which terminated in his death.  He will be buried from the residence this afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 4 December 1892, page 7

The last rites of the Episcopal Church were performed yesterday over all that was mortal of Rene Amann. The services were held at the residence of her (sic) parents on York street and the following young gentlemen, companions of the deceased during life, acted as pall bearers: Edward Air, Frank Bigstaff, Charles Kendall, Talbot Arnold, Sully Maize and Zeka Arnold.

The interment took place at Evergreen Cemetery.


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