Golden Rod Rebekah Lodge

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 January 1903, page 5

Golden Rod Rebekah Lodge No 32 installed the following: Noble Grand, Mrs. Alice Dresing; Vice Grand, Miss Jennie Knarr; Recording Secretary Miss Ida Greisenbrocker; Financial Secretary, George Schultz; Treasurer Mrs. Alice Wood;

R S to N G Lewis W Norris; S S to N G Mrs. Eliza J Williams; R S to V G Mrs. Eliza J Johns; S S to V G Miss Mary Orr; Warden, Mrs. Cora Beckley; Conductor, Mrs. Yetta Roth; Inside Guard, Miss Dora Weigand; Outside Guard, John Ocho; Sitting Past Grand, Mrs. Dora Schultz; Chaplain, Dr. Cora E Kehm; Trustees, Mrs. Jennie Emerson, Minnie Ruehl and William Bennett.


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