Ralph Bryon Mussman

Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 October 1943, page 1

Home from 16 months air service in the South Pacific, Lt. Ralph Mussman reports, "it was no picnic," but is quick to tell you he and his air corps mates "did have fun sinking a Japanese destroyer and a transport." His is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mussman Sr. 208 E Third street, Newport and is to visit his wife at Salyersville Ky. where she is teaching school.

Most of the young officer's service was in New Guinea, where he says it was "really tough there for the first six months," but that things are improved there now. He has flown on 40 missions over Jap territory. His is officially credited, as bombardier on a B-25 with the sinking of a Japanese destroyer and a transport. He hit the destroyer in the Battle of Bismarck and says he knew the ship was done for because he saw "plenty of Japs swimming about after the bomb hit the vessel.

Lt. Mussman is expected to be in Kentucky for two weeks before reporting back for service. He has two brothers, twins, 22, in the service. They are Coxwain Robert Mussman with the Coast Guard on the west coast and Corp. James Mussman in the Army and now stationed in Alaska.


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