Bellevue Girls

Submitted by Kelly

The photo was taken by J W Clark, 427 Clark Street, Bellevue Ky.  The back is addressed to Mrs. Jessie S Yager of Trenton, Ohio.  It reads:

"Dear Jessie, This is the home of the Brunson's where we hang our hats &
come home to roost. In front are the two youngest each holding pups,
though don't go blind hunting them.  Edna"

New information submitted by Kelly June 28, 2006
The address of this house is 425 Van Voast in Bellevue, KY.   The "Edna" mentioned is Edna Brunson, age 30 on the 1910 census.  She was the daughter of the homeowner, Alfred Brunson.   She mentions "the two youngest", and they are Alberta Brunson & Mabel Brunson.  


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