Colonel P H Ray

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 7 September 1905, page 5

Col. P H Ray, commanding the Fourth Infantry at Ft Thomas and former sheriff Fred Miller of Newport, exchanged a war of words over the telephone yesterday afternoon. The trouble arose over the running over of a little fox terrier belonging to Mrs. Ray. The animal accompanied the family through their stay in the Philippines.

Mrs. Fred Miller and a number of friends made a tour of the reservation in a carriage, the parting including Mrs. William Reedinger, Mrs. Charles Franklin and Miss Ruth Franklin. When the loop was reached in front of Col Ray's house, the dog ran out and barked. Another carriage containing Miss Kitty Locke and Helen Chapel accompanied the other vehicle. One of the carriages ran over the dog which was badly injured.

Col. Ray when he heard of the accident, was angry and ordered the party off the reservation. Mrs. Miller informed her husband when she returned home and then Miller got busy. A heated argument followed, Miller threatening to take the matter up with the War Department.


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