Phillibin Diedenhofer

Kentucky Post, Thursday, June 20, 1907, page 7

Submitted by Larry Dolan


Phillibin Diedenhofer, 41, wife of Joseph Diedenhofer, died yesterday at the family residence, 706 Central-av., after a lingering illness. The deceased leaves nine children.

Kentucky Post, Saturday, June 22, 1907, page 3

Mrs. Diedenhofer’s Funeral

The burial of Mrs. Phillibin Diedenhofer, of 706 Central-av., Newport, took place this morning at St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Johns Hill. Services were held at Corpus Christi Church.

Kentucky Post, Monday, June 24, 1907, page 5

Deaths of a Week

Phillibina Diedenhofer, 41


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