Peter Benham

Court Order Book A, 2 May 1796
Court at the home of Jacob Fowler in Newport

A copy of the last Will and Testament of Peter Benham deceased with Certificate of the probate of the original & the genuineness of the Copy under the hand of the Judge of Probate of the County of Washington State of Pennsylvania with the Seal of the said County affixed thereto was produced in Court by Robert Benham Executor therein named whereupon on Motion of said Robert it is ordered that the same be recorded & Certificate thereof was granted to the said Executor he having given Bond with Nathan Kelly his Security in the penalty of four hundred pounds conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that Washington Berry, Dailey Shawhan,  Stephen Lyon,  John Spencer or any three of them being first sworn (before a Justice of this County) do appraise in Current Money the Slaves (if any) and personal Estate of the said Peter Benham deceased and return the appraisement to the next Court.

Court Order Book A, 1 August 1796
Court at the house of Jacob Fowler in Newport

Elizabeth Benham Widow of Peter Benham, deceased, appears and declares that she will not take or accept the provision made for her by the Will of the said Peter or any part thereof & renounces all benefit which she might claim by said Will and demands thereupon her legal provision according to the Statute.

An Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Peter Benham deceased was presented in Court and ordered to be recorded. Present Henry Brasher Esquire

Court Order Book A, Page 75-76, 7 November 1796
Court at the house of Jacob Fowler in Newport

Ordered that Washington Berry, Thomas Kennedy and Henry Brasher or any two of them do examine and Settle the Account of Robert Benham's Executorship of the Estate of Peter Benham deceased and make Report thereof to the next Court.
Court Order Book A, Page 82, 13 February 1797
Court at the house of Jacob Fowler in the Town of Newport

Robert Benham Executor of Peter Benham deceased produced the account of his Executorship which was allowed & ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of Elizabeth Benham It is ordered that Washington Berry, Henry Brasher and Thomas Kennedy or any two of them do assign unto the said Elizabeth her distributable share of the personal Estate of Peter Benham deceased her late husband (being in this County) and make report thereof to the next Court.

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