Peter Bell


Cincinnati Enquirer, 20 June 1903, page 6


Peter Bell, colored, who was fined $25 and costs for disorderly conduct by Judge Moore, was pardoned yesterday by Mayor Nelson.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 October 1905, page 5


Lower York st. Newport, was furnished some excitement late yesterday, through a bloodless shooting affair at Stoney's saloon. Peter Bell, colored, walked into the place and called for a can of beer. At the same time he drew forth a knife and loudly proclaimed that he could whip anyone in the place, John Blackwell, white, fearing that Bell might carry his defi? into execution, slipped behind the bar and secured a revolver. He fired one shot at Bell, but his aim was and and no one was hurt.

Patrolman Kalfrat, Cottinghm and Asplin were soon on the scene and placed both Bell and Blackwell under arrest. In the Police Court this morning Judge Moore set the hearing of the case for tomorrow. They are charge with disorderly conduct.


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