Peter N Bardo

History of Kentucky and Kentuckians, E. Polk Johnson, three volumes,
Lewis Publishing Co., New York & Chicago, 1912. Common version, Vol. III, pp. 1228-29.

Peter N Bardo is a retired manufacturer, but is joint owner with Thomas Ford in the Bourbon Copper & Brass Works, whose capital stock is $50,000 and also has numerous other interests, among them a high official capacity in the Citizens' Commercial & Savings Bank of Newport.  He is one of the city's substantial citizens, and has from time to time played a prominent and valuable part in the management of its affairs. 

He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 4, 1847, and is the son of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Greenwall) Bardo, the former a native of Italy and the latter of Pennsylvania.  The senior Bardo came to the United States when young and located in Cincinnati, where he married and engaged in the confectionery trade for a number of years, meeting with much success in this vocation. He resided in Newport for a good many years, prior to his death, which occurred in 1865, at the age of fifty-four years.  His wife preceded him to the beyond, her demise being when she was but thirty-five years of age. They were the parents of seven children, all of whom are deceased with the exception of Mr. Bardo and a sister Elizabeth who became the wife of James Pratt of Cincinnati.

     Peter N. Bardo, who was the third child in order of birth, was about eight years of age when his parents moved to Newport.  Here he was reared and here received his education in the public schools.  When he was a very young man he entered a brass foundry in Cincinnati and during his employment became master of all the details of the trade.  He served in various capacities in the business for about eighteen years and in the early seventies, in partnership with Thomas Ford, John G. Hatch and John Ellihorst, bought the Robinson Brass Foundry, the establishment in which he had worked for so long a time.  It was then known as the Bourbon Copper & Brass Works and was one of the oldest businesses of its kind in Cincinnati.  It has since been carried on under the same name and at present and for several years past the plant has been owned jointly by Mr. Bardo and Thomas Ford, who in 1903 incorporated the same under the laws of Ohio with a capital stock of $50,000.  It is most successful and of extensive operation, having in years past built the majority of the distilleries in Kentucky.

    Mr. Bardo was one of the organizers of the Citizens' Commercial and Savings Bank of Newport and is a member of the board of directors. He is likewise a member of the water works commission and served for two years on the board of aldermen.  In politics he is an uncompromising Democrat and fraternally he is associated with the Newport Elks, of which he is one of the oldest members, his membership number being 47.

He and his family are communicants of the Catholic church.  Mr. Bardo was married in 1872 to Miss Mary Ford, a native of the state of Maryland and daughter of Owen Ford, who was born in Ireland and upon emigrating to America, lived first in Maryland and then in Newport. Mr. Ford was the father of four children only one of whom is living, a son named Thomas.  Those deceased are Patrick, James and John, all of whom grew to maturity. 

The union of Mr. and Mrs. Bardo was blessed by the birth of ten children, of whom the following are living: Peter Jr., Alice, Stella, Catherine, John, William, Thomas and Gertrude. A daughter Mary is deceased.  Mrs. Bardo died in August 1907, and her mortal remains were interred in St. Stephens cemetery.  During the Civil War Mr. Bardo served as a member of the Home Guards.

Mary Bardo 1907 Obituary

Peter Bardo 1923 Obituary


Kentucky Post, Friday, 10 July 1903, page 5

Alderman Peter Bardo, of Newport, got a severe shake up Thursday in a fall from a street car. In stepping off a car some one jostled against him and missing his footing, Bardo fell. His arm and hand were badly sprained.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 December 1903, page 10

Mayor Nelson Thursday night sent to the Newport Aldermen the name of Peter N Bardo as Water Works Commissioner, vice Dr. J O Jenkins, whose term expired. Peter Bardo is an Alderman at present and his term does not expire until 1905. He stated Thursday he had no preference as to whether he served in the Aldermen or in the Water Works Board.

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