General Persifer Smith

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 25 May 1858, page 3


The remains of General Persifer Smith will reach the city this morning, via the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad at 8 1/2 o'clock. The Rover Guards have been detailed as a special guard of honor on behalf of the volunteer soldiery of the city and in connection with a detachment of United States troops from Newport Barracks, will proceed to the depot and escort the remains to the Melodeon, where they will like in state during the day.

Workmen were busily engaged last night, under the direction of General Sargent, erecting a piarguse, and suitably decorating the hall for this purpose. From ten o'clock A M to four P M our citizens will have an opportunity of visiting the hall, and testifying their regard for the illustrious dead by silent contemplation of his mortal remains. A proper guard will be maintained, and no doubt great numbers will be maintained and no doubt great numbers of citizens, ladies as well as gentlemen will avail themselves of the privileges.

At five o'clock P M General Sargent's brigade will parade on Vine street, the right resting on Twelfth and meeting the entire force now stationed at the barracks, under Colonel Buchanan, will convey the remains in solemn procession to the Little Miami Depot, where a suitable car, provided by Adams Express Company, will received them. They will depart, en route for Philadelphia by the Night Express train, quarter past ten o'clock PM, accompanied by several offices of the army and volunteer service and by a detachment of the Rover Guards as far as Pittsburg.

Much energy and public spirit has been manifested by our citizen soldiery in this affair, and every preparation made that was possible, under the short notice given them, to do suitable honor to the memory of one of the noblest spirits of the American Army and especially to the untiring energy of General Sargent will we be indebted for this very proper public manifestation of respect for the illustrious dead.


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