Dr. Percival Lawrence Baachus

Kentucky Post, Friday, 12 October 1934, page 1

Miss Effie Tipton, 21, of 332 E Fifth st. Cincinnati and Dr. P L Bacchus, Negro physician, 341 Central av. Newport, are nursing injuries today, received during a disturbance at the physician's office yesterday. Dr. Bacchus suffered a bump on his head. Both declined to prosecute the other after the fracas.

Miss Tipton said; "I went into the doctor's office after an unknown man had wrenched my arm. On learning he was a Negro doctor, I refused to allow him to treat me." Dr. Bacchus said: "Miss Tipton wanted me to treat her. I asked her if she could pay. She said no. I told her I could not treat her. She struck me, knocking my glasses to the floor and breaking them.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 16 November 1934, page 6

Clyde E Wallingford, Newport city manager, announced today the appointment of Dr. Percival L Bacchus, 431 Central avenue, Newport, Negro physician, as a city district physician. Dr Bacchus will care for the sick and indigent Negroes. His appointment was recommended by a large group of Negro as well as white citizens.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 30 July 1936, page 6

Charged with disorderly conduct after she used abusive language toward Dr. Percival Bacchus, Negro City Physician, Miss Fannie Guynn, 334 Patterson street, Newport, was placed under a $25 peace bond by Judge Alfred G Maybury. Miss Guynn became abused, Dr. Bacchus said, when he refused to treat the defendant's sister, who had cut her hand.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 11 February 1937,  page 2

The final inoculation against typhoid fever is to be given to Negroes from 9 am until noon Saturday at 509 York street, Newport. Dr. Percival Bacchus, city physician will be in charge.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 May 1942, page 1

Dr. Percival Bacchus, 40, Negro, Newport city physician, was shot three times by his wife, Mrs. Reventa Baachus, during an argument at their home, 341 Central avenue early Friday, police reported. Following the shooting, which was heard by Lieut. James Fuller at police headquarters, Dr. Bacchus was taken to St Elizabeth Hospital by the Life Squad. His condition is fair.

After hearing the shots, Lieut. Fuller sent Sergt. Horace Sargent, acting Detectives Willard Malden and Frank Ulrich and Patrolmen Walter Rosenhagen and John Reed to investigate. The officers found Dr. Bacchus on the second floor of his home. He had been shot in the left wrist, left hip and left arm by a bullet from a .32 caliber revolver. The shot that penetrated the left arm entered Dr. Bacchus' left side, police said.

Firemen Walter Willis and John Moore of the Life Squad assisted by Sergt. Sargent took him to the hospital. Dr. Bacchus told police he does not want his wife arrested. He will not prosecute her, he said.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 22 April 1944, page 1

Newport City Commissioners, meeting in a regular session Friday, abolished the position of Dr. Percival Baachus, Negro physician. Dr. Bacchus notified City Manager Morlidge Saturday that he had resigned, effective at once. Dr. Baachus, a city physician for the last 10 years was let out upon the recommendation of Dr. Elmer C Schnake, city health officer. Dr. Schnake said Dr. Baachus had averaged but five calls a month.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 26 April 1944, page 1

In a letter Wednesday to City Manager J B Morlidge, Dr. Percival L Bacchus, Negro physician, who resigned as one of the city's district physicians criticized the manner in which the city's Health Department has handled indigent cases. The criticism was directed at Dr. Elmer C Schnake. Dr. Schnake recommended the removal of Dr. Bacchus from the city's physician staff, explaining he had averaged but five cases per month in recent months and that Dr. Bacchus work could be taken over by Dr. Edgar Buck.

Dr. Bacchus had been on the district staff for the last 10 years and his work was assigned principally to Negro cases in the city. In his letter, Dr. Bacchus was extremely critical of the supervision of medical care and attention and the method of its administration.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 March 1945, page 4

Dr. P L Bacchus, Negro physician, 341 Central avenue, reported $75 was taken from his home.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 5 October 1946, page 1

Vandals entered the newly purchased home of Dr. P L Bacchus, Negro physician at 33 Court place, Newport and caused several hundred dollars damage, he told police Saturday. Nine windows were broken and paint was smeared on walls and newly painted woodwork. Dr. Bacchus was to move into the property soon. It is located opposite police headquarters.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 April 1951, page 1

Dr. P L Bacchus, potentate for Aicikum Temple No 96 AEAONMS, Covington has announced the lodge's annual public day will be observed at 3 pm Sunday at Ninth Street Methodist Church, Covington.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 September 1952, page 2

Aleikum Temple No 96 and Aleikum Court No 56, Covington, will sponsor a festival from 3 to 11 pm Friday and Saturday at their headquarters, 1010 Russell street, Covington. Dr. P L Bacchus, potentate of the temple said proceeds will be used for the organization's charity fund.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 December 1953, page 7

Joint installation ceremonies for newly elected officers of the Newport Lodge 120, F&AM and Newport Chapter 165 Order of Eastern Star, were held Sunday at the administration center of the Booker T Washington Homes, Newport. Chapter officers installed: Dr. P L Bacchus, patron. Mrs. Vesta L Bacchus, past worthy matron, installed the chapter officers.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 March 1954, page 3

Dr. P L Bacchus, Newport and Cincinnati physician and potentate of the Aleikum Temple No 96, Covington Negro Shriners, was honored last weekend at the annual potentate's ball held in the Hall of Mirrors at the Netherland Hotel, Cincinnati.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 5 April 1954, page 1

Three offices of Dr. P L Bacchus, 341 Central avenue, Newport, were ransacked by thieves who stole $400 and caused several hundred dollars damage in looting the offices. Detective Leroy Fredericks said an estimated $200 worth of medicines were damaged by the looters in their apparent futile efforts to find narcotics. Dr. Bacchus told police he keeps no narcotics in the offices.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 August 1954, page 1

Dr. P L Bacchus, potentate of Aleikum Temple 96 Covington, has returned from the national Shrine convention held at Atlantic City, where he was one of five national Shrine officials to be honored. Dr. Bacchus, who has his medical offices at 341 Central avenue, Newport, was given a certificate of merit.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 July 1955, page 4

Dr. Percival Bacchus, Negro physician from Cincinnati, who maintains an office at 341 Central avenue, Newport, was named Monday in a warrant growing out of the death of Mrs. Norma Marie Smith, 27, 2009 Elm street, Cincinnati, who died, police said, as the result of an illegal operation. Elmer Wallace, a brother of the victim, swore to the warrant before County Judge Fred M Warren.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 July 1955, page 16

Pleading not guilty and waiving an examining trial, Dr. Percival Bacchus, Negro physician, 341 Central avenue, Newport, was held for grand jury action under a $5000 bond Thursday. Dr. Bacchus, who lives in Cincinnati, is charged with having performed an abortion operation on Mrs. Norma Smith, 27, Cincinnati. The latter died June 30 as result of the illegal operation, it was charged.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 October 1955, page 1

Dr. Percival Bacchus, a Cincinnati Negro physician, who maintains an office at 341 Central avenue, Newport, was named in an abortion indictment. This charge grows out of the death of Mrs. Norma Smith of Cincinnati. The latter died, police charge after Dr. Bacchus performed an alleged illegal operation.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 October 1955, page 1

Scheduled for arraignment Friday is Dr. Percival Bacchus, Newport Negro physician who was indicted on an abortion charge as the result of the recent death of a Cincinnati woman.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 November 1955, page 1

A jury was being selected Wednesday in the case of Dr. Percival L Bacchus, 341 Central avenue, Newport physician on trial in Campbell Circuit Court on a charge of performing an abortion. The case against the Negro doctor stems from the death last June 20 of Mrs. Norma Marie Smith, 27, Cincinnati. Dr. Bacchus twice before has faced Campbell Circuit Court on abortion charges, winning directed jury verdicts of acquittal on both in 1951, due to lack of evidence.

The warrant issued by Campbell County Judge Fred M Warren, charges the abortion had been performed June 27 in the physician's office in Newport.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 December 1955, page 1

Details of an operation performed on Mrs. Norma Marie Smith, were described to a Campbell Circuit Court jury Thursday by her husband, Irving Smith, in the trial of Dr. Percival Bacchus, Newport physician accused of performing the abortion. Mr. Smith said it took place June 27 in Dr. Bacchus' office and his wife died three days later in General Hospital, Cincinnati.

Conviction carries a prison sentence of 2 to 21 years in prison.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 December 1955, page 1

A new trial date for Dr. Percival Bacchus, Negro physician, will be set after Jan 1 by Circuit Judge Ray L Murphy. A jury of seven men and five women were unable to arrive at a verdict in Dr. Bacchus' trial late Monday after deliberating more than three hours and Judge Murphy was required to dismiss the jury.

Dr. Bacchus faced two similar charges several years ago. In both instances the cases were dismissed when witnesses either refused to appear or could not be located.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 19 April 1956, page 1

A jury of nine women and three men heard testimony introduced Thursday by Commonwealth Attorney William J Wise in the abortion trial of Dr. Percival Bacchus, 55, Negro physician, with offices on Central avenue, Newport. Dr. Bacchus had denied performing any operation on the victim.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 April 1956, page 1

A jury of nine women and three men again failed to reach a verdict in the abortion trial of Dr. P L Bacchus, Negro physician of Newport. As a result, Judge Ray L Murphy again remanded the case to the trial docket for a resetting. Last Dec 2, the first jury also failed to agree.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 June 1956, page 29

Dr. Percival Bacchus, Newport Negro physician, was named defendant in a $100,000 damage suit filed Thursday in Campbell Circuit Court on behalf of the estate of Norma Marie Smith of Cincinnati, who died last June 30 after an alleged abortion.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 August 1956, page 1

LOUISVILLE, Aug 14.The Kentucky State Board of Health is expected to rule at its October board meeting on the case of Dr. Percival Bacchus, Newport physician. Dr. Bacchus recently was summoned before the board to show cause why his medical license should not be revoked.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 August 1956, page 26

A federal income tax lien for $386 against Dr. Percival Bacchus and V L Bacchus, of 341 Central avenue, Newport, was on file Thursday. The tax lien was another in a series of difficulties faced recently by Dr. Bacchus.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 January 1957, page 1

The state medical license of Dr. Percival Bacchus, Newport, was revoked today by the State Board of health. Daniel W Davies and Thomas Hirschfeld, Newport attorneys for Dr. Bacchus said they will file an appeal.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 May 1957, page 1

Another indictment against Dr. Percival L Bacchus was submitted Tuesday to Campbell Circuit Judge Ray L Murphy. Dr. Bacchus, who is under an abortion indictment was named in the new bill upon testimony given the jury by Miss Edith Goebelt, Cincinnati. Miss Goebelt testified Dr. Bacchus performed an illegal abortion and she suffered a serious infection as the result of the operation.

Dr. Bacchus was tried twice during the last year on the first indictment growing out of the death of Mrs. Norma Smith, trials which resulted in hung juries. Since the second trial Dr. Bacchus had his rights to practice medicine and perform other duties of a physician revoked by the state health authorities.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 27 March 1958, page 28

Dr. P L Bacchus, Negro physician of Madisonville, Cincinnati, who maintained his office on Central avenue, Newport, was sued Thursday by the state revenue department for $986 alleged due on state income taxes.


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