Captain Paul Giddings

Kentucky Post, Friday, 1 January 1904, page 6

Capt. Paul Giddings, Third Infantry has been detailed as a member of the Board of Officers for the examination of John W Corder for appointment as Superintendent of a national cemetery, Vice Capt. Charles G Dwyer, relieved. The board convenes at this post (Ft Thomas) Jan 4.

Company D Third Infantry, comprising 30 enlisted men and officers by Capt. Paul Giddings and Lieut. Pond, left at 6 pm Thursday over the Erie Railroad for Canton O. to guard ex-President McKinley's tomb. The detachment will remain until March 1.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 January 1904, page 5

Capt. Paul Giddings, who left for Canton O. with his company Thursday, has been detailed on the Board of Officers for the examination of applicants for the position of Superintendent of National Cemeteries, Vice Capt. Dwyer who is now detached service at Ft Sheridan, Ill.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 January 1904, page 5

A private letter from a member of the command of Capt. Giddings, on detached service from his post at Ft Sheridan states that the thermometer was 5 degrees below zero the morning after their arrival and they were longing for that dear old Ft Thomas.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 March 1904, page 8

Capt. Paul Giddings and his detachment of Company D, recently stationed at Canton O. returned to the post Tuesday and the first and second battalions now have their complete company organization with the company commanders.


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