Officer Paul Flynn and Fred Ott


Cincinnati Enquirer, 29 December 1896, page 7


More than a week ago the Harrison League Club gave a ball at Turner Hall.  During the evening Patrolmen Paul Flynn and Fred Ott stopped at the ball and it is charged were each given a glass of beer by Proprietor Fred Baschang.  It is claimed that the men accepted the beverage and drank it standing in a secluded place to do so.

Judge Dumont was in attendance at the hall and saw the officers drink the beer.  Yesterday he preferred charges against both men.  The charge is for drinking intoxicating liquors while on duty, and was handed to Chief Lieberth yesterday, who having no alternative, suspended both the alleged offenders pending an investigation.

Flynn is the only Democrat remaining on the police force.  All others have been removed by the Republican Commissioners and a loud and prolonged demand for Flynn's removal has been made by Republicans.  he has always been a brave and efficient officer.  Ott is a Republican.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 November 1907, page 5


After serving the city of Newport for nearly 14 years as a member of the Police Department, Patrolman Paul Flynn Saturday night tendered his resignation to Chief of Police Lickert to take effect today. He leaves the department with the best wishes of every man with whom he came in contact to take a better position in civil life.

As an evidence of the general satisfaction that Flynn gave, it is sufficient to say that he served under four Mayors, of both political faiths and about 10 different Chiefs.


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