Patrick Quinn


Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 June 1917, page 1

ACCIDENT-When he fell from a painter's ladder while at work on his home Friday, Patrick Quinn, 74, of 1104 Vine St. Cote Brilliant, instantly was killed. His skull was fractured, Dr. John Phythian and Dr. W A Freickman found. Dr. J  Digby, county coroner was called and declared Quinn had died from a cerebral hemorrhage.

The dead man was father in law to John Tirney, Democratic committeeman from the Fifth Ward Precinct C of Newport.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 June 1917, page 4

BURY VICTIM-Funeral services for Patrick Quinn, who died Friday of injuries sustained when he fell from a ladder, will be held Monday at 2:30 pm at the residence, 1104 Vine St. Cote Brilliant. John Tiernan, Democratic leader of the Fifth Ward, Newport, is a son in law. The burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.


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