Private Orin "Ollie" B Halsey

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 August 1899, page 1

Private Ollie B Halsey of Company G, Seventh Infantry, Ft Thomas, was taken to Ft Sheridan, Chicago, Thursday, under guard of Corporal H F Stork, to undergo trial by general court-martial for allowing Frank Jordan, a prisoner of Company M, Thirty-first Volunteers, to escape while in his care.

Jordan had been confined in the Ft Thomas guardhouse for alleged grand larceny and assaulting an officer. He escaped on the day of his trial by outwitting the sentry. Halsey may receive a heavy sentence. He will be returned to Ft Thomas Saturday.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 September 1899, page 6

Orin H Halsey of Company G, Seventh Infantry, who was acquitted at Ft Sheridan of allowing a prisoner to escape, returned to Ft Thomas Friday.


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