Oliver F Skaggs

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 29 June 1918

A Ft Thomas boy was in General Pershing's casualty list Thursday. He was severely wounded in action. Oliver F Skaggs, 20, of t Garrison av. Ft Thomas, was wounded on June 11 while serving with the field artillery. He enlisted in July of last year with the Ninth Infantry, but later transferred to the artillery.

Recently after a tour of duty in the trenches, he wrote: "It's like the Fourth of July here always." His brother John G Skaggs, 23, is training at Camp Jackson SC.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 October 1918, page 4

Oliver Skaggs, who was wounded at Chateau Thierry June 11, is passing a furlough with his parents at Garrison av. Ft Thomas.


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