Oliver D Shuck

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 June 1919, page 3

Three young men, pals, returned to their Newport homes Wednesday from months of service at the battle front. But because they say they were only volunteers, they refuse to talk about themselves. Here is their history since 1916:

Oliver Schuck, Columbia av. and Lawrence Hewling, W Eighth s. both 16 years old, ran away from home to enlist with a Scotch regiment being formed at Windsor Canada. Young Hewling took sick and they were forced to abandon this plan. Returning home Oliver and his brother Walter tried for the Marine Corps and were refused. Finally they succeeded in making the Medical Division and in July 1918, went across as members of the famous "Wild Cat Division."

Hewling in the meantime joined the Ambulance Corps, Fifth Marines. At Vaux, Hewling was severely gassed, when a piece of gas explosion pierced his gas canister. And because he refused to give up until his battalion was relieved, he was cited for "devotion to duty." The boys took part in the battles of Verdun, Chateau Thierry, St Mihiel, Argonne and Meuse and were outside Metz when the armistice was signed.

Still they insist they have nothing to tell as they were "only volunteers."


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