Norbert Edward Brahm

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 September 1929, page 5

Lower taxes is the platform upon which the independent candidates are running in Clifton where the city election is to be held Nov 5. The independent ticket includes:

Norbert E Brahm for police chief.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 9 October 1931, page 1

Two firemen were injured slightly early Friday while fighting a fire which destroyed the home of Louis Lee, 74 Grandview av. Clifton. Damage is estimated at more than $3000. Norbert Brahm, assistant Clifton Fire Chief, punctured his foot when he stepped on a nail. He was given first aid treatment by Clifton firemen.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 16 October 1931, page 9

A petition containing more than 100 signatures was filed Friday with George J Kaufman, Campbell co. clerk, naming nine candidates who will seek election on the Clifton city ballot Nov 3. For councilman, Norbert Brahm. Brahm is assistant fire chief and was a candidate at the last election.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 Dec 1933, page 1

One small building was destroyed and several others threatened in a fire late Sunday at the home of John Diamond. Three Mile rd. Campbell co. Damage is estimated at $700. The Clifton Volunteer Fire Department under Assistant Chiefs William Davies and Norbert Brahm, was summoned to extinguish the blaze.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 February 1935, page 1

The Men's Club of the York Street Congregational Church, Newport, has named Norbert Brahm, president of the organization.


Kentucky Post, 19 July 1938, page 3

Members of the Rankin-Prout Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will assist Newport police in patrolling the Ohio River bank Sunday during the Ohio River motor boat regatta. Norbert Brahm, who will be in charge of the patrol, has urged members to wear drum and bugle corps uniforms and report to him at 8 am Sunday at the Veterans Hall.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 September 1938, page 1

The Rankin-Prout Post No 1404, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will dedicate their new headquarters at 524 Monmouth street, Newport, Sept 17, it was announced Friday. A J Eschan, commander appointed Norbert Brahm to the committee.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 14 April 1939, page 13

Norbert E Brahm, a member of the John J Pershing Band during the World War, Friday was in command of the Rankin-Prout Post. He and other officers were elected at the annual voting held this week at post headquarters, 524 Monmouth street, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 October 1939, page 16

Among those appointed aide-de-camp on former Gov A B Chandler's staff with the rank of Colonel was Norbert E Brahm of Park Hills.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 April 1943, page 1

Damage estimated at $6000 was caused by fire at the home of D E Pendery, 1134 Cleveland avenue, Park Hills, late Tuesday. Members of the Park Hills Volunteer Fire Department, headed by Chief Norbert E Brahm, extinguished the blaze.


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